Teaching and training in the field of infectious diseases constitute an important part of the CNM's activity, being integrated with the rest of its reference and research functions.
This training work takes place at different levels
a) Through training placements for national and international students, including:
• Rotations for residents (MIR, FIR, BIR, etc.) of the Specialised Health Training Programme of the Ministry of Health.
• Stays for the completion of TFMs and TFGs.
• Stays for the completion of doctoral theses .
b) Organisation and participation in the teaching and coordination of multiple University Masters and training courses.
In this section, it is worth highlighting the Master's Degree “Microbiology for Public Health and Research in Infectious Diseases” organised by the University of Alcalá de Henares and the ISCIII, in which more than 60 CNM teachers participate, and most of whose TFMs, and the totality of the internships, take place in the CNM facilities
c) Participation and coordination of ECDC's EUPHEM training programme in Public Health Microbiology training.
The EUPHEM (European Public Health Microbiology Training Program) is a programme financed by the ECDC that allows health professionals from all over Europe to stay in international centres to receive multidisciplinary training in different areas of infectious diseases. The National Microbiology Centre plays an active role in the coordination and organisation of the activities of this programme (click HERE for details)
d) Advice and training for NHS healthcare professionals in the diagnosis and control of emerging and rare infectious pathologies. Participation in the development of microbiological procedures and guidelines.
e) Scientific dissemination activities to the general public in the field of infectious diseases through different initiatives:
• Participation in official campaigns and European and World Days, e.g. against Antibiotic Resistance.
• Articles in general press or informative magazines and journals.
• Education and general books, such as those from the Más que Salud collection (ISCIII/Catarata Ed.).
f) Internal and external seminar cycles
In addition, the CNM meets the needs of continuous scientific-technical training of staff through the programme of internal seminars of each Reference and Research Laboratory of the centre, in collaboration with the Training Department of the ISCIII.